The Short Form

photo by David Pattern


‘The Short Form’ features discuss aspects that are relevant to the experience of reading or writing short stories, or attending short story events, workshops or classes. This section also includes several features from editors and academics, who discuss their involvement with the form.


Abstraction and Detail in Very Short Fiction – Seán Padraic Birnie

All Bone and Muscle — Bidisha

Are Writing Courses Worth It? — Gabrielle Kimm

The Art of Researching – Professor Vasilis Papageorgiou

Baby Shoes — Chloe Dalton

Beautiful Blasts — Alison MacLeod

The Beginning of the Short Story in England – Charles E. May

The Best British Short Stories — Nicholas Royle

Close Up and Urgent — Joanna Trollope

The Consequences of National Short Story Week

Contessas and Composers – Amanda Oosthuizen

Crossing Boundaries: Poetry and the Short Story – K J Orr

A Day Out at the Bristol Literature Festival — Pauline Masurel

Decision Time – Erinna Mettler

Fairy Tales and Thomas Hardy – Christine Genovese

Favourite Stories for World Book Day

Finding Short Stories Within a Novel — Ruba Abughaida

The First London Short Story Festival – Paul McVeigh

Flash Fiction Day — Calum Kerr

Flash Fiction: Looking for Love in all the Wrong Places? — Steve Wasserman

In Your Dreams (the role of women in George Saunders’ Tenth of December) – Juliet West

It Takes Longer to Write Than to Read — Nik Perring

Join the Ether Revolution — Bea Moyes

Just a Few Words on Flash Fiction — Carolyn Thomas

Listen and Be Heard — G.F. Phillips

Little Fictions, Big Questions — Ursula Hurley

Live to Write… Love to Read – Neil Hargreaves

Love Story — Cathy Galvin

Making Paper Shadows — Wena Poon

Manchester Fiction Prize, Closing Remarks — Nicholas Royle

Musical Fictions — Jonathan Taylor

National Flash-Fiction Day — Pauline Masurel

The New Puritan Generation – José Francisco Fernández

Old and New Views in the Short Story — Mike Smith

Play Scale — Charles Davis

Polly Samson’s Introduction to The Doll

The Postcolonial Short Story: Contemporary Essays — Paul March-Russell

Praiseworthy or Just Pointless? — Nicholas Royle

‘Quirkiness’ in Ali Smith’s Stories – Tracy Maylath

Rattle Tales — Live Lit in Brighton – Erinna Mettler

Reading Short Stories — Mike Smith

Reading the Short Story — Charles E. May

Redrafting — Loree Westron

Reviewing Short Stories – Pauline Masurel

Robert Louis Stevenson Day — Bill Gray

Short Fiction in Theory and Practice — Ailsa Cox

The Short Story Festival 2015 – Victoria Heath

The Short Story is Dead! Long Live the Short Story! – Chris Power

The Stories of Objects – Sophia Kier-Byfield

Small Wonder 2011 — Katherine Orr

The Spider and the Fly — John Saunders

Stories in Performance: A New Genre — Jonathan Taylor

Stories Inspired by the Brontës – A. J. Ashworth

Stories on the Big Screen – Mike Smith

Stories Taking Flight – Jane Feaver

Ten Ways of Looking at the Short Story in 2012 – Steve Wasserman

Theory Put to Practice — Mike Smith

Three Stories About Love – Rajat Chaudhuri

The Tweeters Recommend — Vicki Heath

The Two Mrs Foxes – Erinna Mettler

Ugly/Beautiful – Nafisa Muhtadi

Voices of Impoverishment – G. F. Phillips

The Weird Tale – Gary Budden

What I Want as a Reader, Discovered via Keret — Angela Readman

Whose Culture? Whose Anarchy? — Paul March-Russell

The Wonders of the Small Wonder Short Story Festival — Alison MacLeod

The Writer’s Time — Hanif Kureishi

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