('Homeward bound series' © Nick Kenrick, 2013)
with Adam Marek
In the first instalment of series six of our Short Story Masterclass podcasts, Zoe Gilbert interviews award-winning short story writer Adam Marek. In the podcast they discuss the distinction between the fantastic and the surreal, childhood influences, labels in fiction and the gaps in between, where stories start and how they develop, and writing first drafts.
Adam Marek is an award-winning short story writer. He won the 2011 Arts Foundation Short Story Fellowship, and was shortlisted for the inaugural Sunday Times EFG Short Story Award and the Edge Hill Short Story Prize. His stories have appeared on BBC Radio 4, and in many magazines and anthologies, including Prospect and The Sunday Times Magazine, and The Penguin Book of the British Short Story. His short story collections The Stone Thrower and Instruction Manual for Swallowing are published in the UK by Comma Press, and in North America by ECW Press.
Listen to the Short Story Masterclass
with Adam Marek:
(42 minutes)
Zoe Gilbert’s stories have been published in anthologies and journals worldwide, and won prizes including the Costa Short Story Award 2014. Her first book, Folk, is forthcoming with Bloomsbury in early 2018. She lives in London where she teaches and mentors creative writers at London Lit Lab, as well as working on her Creative Writing PhD at the University of Chichester. You can read some of her stories at mindandlanguage.blogspot.co.uk.