Coffee With… Vanessa Gebbie

photo by Angela Rosati


On Bank Holiday Monday, Katherine Orr met with the writer Vanessa Gebbie to talk about short stories at the Royal Festival Hall on London’s South Bank. Listeners are advised that at three points in the podcast there are moments of interference … variously, from a child with a balloon, a lift-going-up (or down), and a good dose of background chatter. In the spirit of Bank Holiday festivities, however, we have left the recording intact.

Katherine Orr has Coffee With…Vanessa Gebbie (wma, 25 minutes)

Words from a Glass Bubble by Vanessa Gebbie book cover
Words from a Glass Bubble by Vanessa Gebbie
book cover Storm Warning by Vanessa Gebbie
Storm Warning by Vanessa Gebbie

Vanessa GebbieVanessa Gebbie  is the author of two short story collections, Words from a Glass Bubble (2009) and Storm Warning (2010), both published by Salt Modern Fiction, and a novel The Coward’s Tale (2012), published by Bloomsbury. She is also contributing editor of Short Circuit, Guide to the Art of the Short Story (Salt).

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3 thoughts on “Coffee With… Vanessa Gebbie

  1. Thanks Dora! I’m so glad you enjoyed it. I absolutey love Vanessa’s books; it was such a treat to immerse myself in them for the interview!

  2. Excuse my strange punctuation. Getting used to a new phone.i’m still trying to tame it.

  3. What a lovely interview. The extra sounds add to the atmosphere as if I was right there with you chatting away. Such great advice. I’m now enjoying Vanessa’s book and savoring every chapter. Thank you both for inviting me along.

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