Workshop Groups

photo © Telmo32 , 2010

Our archived list of opportunities to meet other writers and work on your own writing, at a writing workshop, meet-up, or networking event.

Please note that this list is not kept up to date, but we hope will provide a valuable resource for your interest.

Arvon Foundation – The Arvon Foundation runs week-long residential creative writing courses in historic houses around the UK.  Courses aim to challenge, inspire and transform your writing.

Authonomy from HarperCollins

Boot Camp Keegan – online workshopping

Creative Writes Workshops – London-based workshops, various dates throughout the year.

Cumbrian Writer’s Group – Whitehaven based writer’s group, meeting every second and fourth tuesday in the month, at Cleator Moor Library. Contact for more information.

Emerging Writers Network on Facebook

Great Writing – an online Creative Writing community.

Hampshire Writers’ Society – a developmental project of the Winchester Writers’ Conference. Meets on the second Tuesday of each month.

Ipswich Writing Group – a place where writers can share their own work and advise others on their writing.

Irish Writers’ Centre – A range of weekday, weekend and evening courses are offered.

London Writers’ Cafe

London Writing Workshops – led by award-winning writer Vicky Grut.

Munster Literature Centre

New Writing South – offers a variety of workshops and training opportunities

Revolution Writers – Newcastle based writing group aiming to provide honest, constructive feedback  in a supportive environment. For more information email:

Short Stories Aloud – Monthly evening events

Unheard Words – a Writer’s Group for ‘writers of colour’

WEA – A database for those looking for creative writing courses.

Word Theatre-Active in New York, Los Angeles and the UK.

Writers’ Mutual: Sundays – A videolinked, online writer’s group for feedback without needing to travel.

The Writer’s Lab – London, England

Write Words – this resource offers a variety of online workshops, including one specifically for short story writers.

The Writers’ Workshop – run by writers for writers

Thresholds is not responsible for any external content shown on other websites.


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