Submission Guidelines

(photo credit © Jamie Matthews, 2009)

Sadly, Thresholds ceased activity from 02 October 2018.

Following a ground-breaking period of publishing and support – both national and international – for the short story, it is with regret we must announce that THRESHOLDS will no longer be accepting submissions or publishing new content.

The University of Chichester is proud to have supported this project and continues to value its significant resources and unique archive of materials about the short story form and its writers.

THRESHOLDS departments:

Author Profile
Articles exploring the life, writings and influence of a single short story writer.

We Recommend
Personal recommendations of a collection/anthology, or a short story.

Pieces that debate the merits and pitfalls of the short story form.

Writing Exercises
Tried and tested prompts, idea generators, crafting solutions, and approaches.

Before you submit: please familiarise yourself with the individual tone and style of the department to which you are submitting. And please note: we do not accept unsolicited short story submissions.

Sample Submission Guidelines: The following may be helpful for you to understand how submission Guidelines are structured.

  • – length of feature articles (We Recommend, Author Profiles, Discussion, Writing Exercises) should be between 750 and 1,500 words; length of book reviews should be between 500-800 words; the word count for entries to the annual Competition is 750-2,000 words;
  • – manuscripts should be double-spaced and left-hand justified;
  • – paragraphs should not be indented;
  • – titles of books and journals should be italicised;
  • – titles of short stories should be enclosed in single quotation marks;
  • – short extracts of a cited work should be enclosed in single quotation marks;
  • – extracts longer than two lines (on screen) should be single spaced, italicised and fully indented to set them apart from the rest of the text;
  • – dialogue which falls within an extract should be enclosed by double quotation marks;
  • – citations should be embedded in the text, not in footnotes, and use Harvard Referencing;
  • – all submissions should be emailed as an attachment to, with the word ‘submission’ in the subject line;
  • – THRESHOLDS reserves the right to edit accepted features before they are published on the site.

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