photo by Ervin Bacik
We all enjoy those moments when we can get together with a friend over a cup of coffee, times when we can relax and watch the world go by, and catch up with what’s happening in one another’s lives.
So go on – pour yourself a cup of coffee, pull up a chair and join us as we meet up with some friends to chat about the world of writing in these three recorded coffee sessions.
Coffee with
Ra Page is the editor of Comma Press, a not-for-profit publishing initiative with a particular interest in publishing and promoting short fiction. Since its inception in 2002, Comma Press has published more than three dozen short story collections, making it one of the leading publishers of short fiction in the UK. Along with single-author collections by writers including David Constantine, Adam Marek and Robert Shearman, Comma also publishes biannual anthologies featuring the work of new writers, collections of linked or themed short stories, and collections of genre fiction.
Listen to Alison MacLeod in conversation with Ra Page at the Manchester Literature Festival: Coffee with Ra Page - Oct 15, 2011 (wma download, 31 minutes)

Katherine Orr has coffee with Toby Litt (wma download, 30 minutes)

Jane Rogers is the author of eight novels, including Mr Wroe’s Virgins, Island, The Voyage Home and The Testament of Jessie Lamb which was longlisted for the 2011 ManBooker Prize. In 2009, her short story ‘Hitting Trees With Sticks’ was shortlisted for the BBC National Short Story Competition. Other awards include the Somerset Maugham Award, Writers’ Guild Best Fiction Book, BAFTA nomination for best drama serial, Guardian Fiction Prize runner-up, and an Arts Council Award. She is the Professor of Writing at Sheffield Hallam University and is currently working on a collection of short stories.
Listen to Alison MacLeod in conversation with Jane in Coffee with...Jane Rogers. (wma download, 17 minutes)
Listen to Jane Rogers reading her story, 'Davy Jones' Locker'. (wma download, 21 minutes)
With thanks to the Arvon Foundation.
Vanessa Gebbie is the author of two short story collections, Words from a Glass Bubble (2009) and Storm Warning (2010), both published by Salt Modern Fiction, and a novel The Coward's Tale (2012), published by Bloomsbury. She is also contributing editor of Short Circuit, Guide to the Art of the Short Story (Salt).
On Bank Holiday Monday, Katherine Orr met with the writer Vanessa Gebbie to talk about short stories at the Royal Festival Hall on London's South Bank. Listeners are advised that at three points in the podcast there are moments of interference … variously, from a child with a balloon, a lift-going-up (or down), and a good dose of background chatter. In the spirit of Bank Holiday festivities, however, we have left the recording intact.
Katherine Orr has Listen to Coffee With...Vanessa Gebbie (wma, 25 minutes)