Annual Events

photo © Bryan Rosengrant , 2009

Annual international literary conferences are listed here, alongside regular local events (with a focus on short fiction).

Note that this list was archived in 2018 but we hope this will remain a helpful resource.

Annual Conferences:

The International Small Wonder Festival of the Short Story (UK)

The Frank O’Connor Short Story Festival (Ireland)

Frome Festival (UK)

Hay Festival (UK)

The International Conference on the Short Story in English (every 2 years, various cities)

National Association of Writers in Education Conference 2012 (UK)

ShortStoryVille (UK)

Summer Literary Seminars (various)

Wells Festival of Literature (UK)

Winchester Writers Conference (UK)

Word Press  (UK)

Local Events:

Are You Sitting Comfortably? (London and Brighton)

Book Club Boutique (Soho, London)

BOOK SLAM (Clapham, London)

Brilliance of Brevity Weekend Workshop (Farringdon, London)

The Book Stops Here(London – formerly To the Hell with the Lighthouse)

Firestation Book Swap (London)

Folk Tales (Bristol)

Gatekeepers: Fiction Publishing (London)

Grit Lit (Brighton)

Heads and Tales (Bristol and Southwest England)

Keeping it Real: Fiction Writing with Adam Foulds (London)

Liars’ League (London)

Lighting the Spark  – SCBWI British Isle Conference (Winchester)

Literary Death Match (London and San Francisco)

New Writing Group of Older Young Writers (London)

The Pint Pot of Fire (part of Alton WordFest, Hampshire)

Rattle Tales (Brighton)

Shoreditch House Literary Salon (London)

The School of Life (London)

SHORT FUSE (Brighton)

SHORT FUSE (Leicester)

Short Story: Big Picture (London)

Sparks (Brighton)

Story Fridays: A Word in Your Ear (Bath – monthly)

Story Slam Live (London)

Tongues and Grooves (Portsmouth)

Weekly Writing Group, Sloane Square(London)

WriteInvite (Portsmouth)

Word of Mouth (Bristol)

Word Theatre (London, New York, Los Angeles)


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